Ferguson talks politics
What's at stake for black voters this fall and beyond in St. Louis
Photos by Matt Eich for Al Jazeera America
Above: A makeshift memorial near where Michael Brown was killed.
Published on Tuesday, October 28, 2014
To many outsiders, including supporters of the protesters who showed up on the streets of Ferguson, the way to get real change seemed simple: get the African Americans in the town registered to vote. And with the midterm elections coming up, it was a comforting idea.
Except that it isn’t that simple in Ferguson. The three audio stories below bring you the voices of Ferguson on the political stage. There’s the old guard, now ready to rebel. There’s the Democratic party stalwart who says the system is broken. And there are the young people, many of whom don’t see the point of voting anymore.
Part 1: The old guard revolts
Invoking an iconic civil rights figure, African American Democrats in St. Louis County might elect a Republican this fall.
Listen: Part I
Part 2: The numbers game
Ferguson has plenty of registered voters, thank you. But who do they vote for? And when?
Listen: Part II
Part 3: 'We live in two different Americas'
Voting won't bring change or justice, protesters say.
Listen: Part III