Finding solutions


We asked each of our California households what might help to alleviate their financial struggles. Here’s what they said:

Housing: Olivia Aguilar

More generous Social Security benefits:

There was a 10-year break in between my working. I worked from the time when I was 18 till 21 … but then I had my daughter and my mom had an accident. They had to amputate her leg. So that meant that someone needed to take care of her, and because I had this baby, I quit my job to take care of her and the baby. So if I hadn’t taken those 10 years right there I would probably be making a lot more in Social Security. I think Social Security is very, very low. I think Social Security is what is breaking everybody. And no one can really retire.

Transportation: Iveth

Affordable English language instruction with flexible hours:

There are many people who need English classes. Then we [can get better jobs and] would have more money. I would like to be a teacher.

Food: Olivier Clerc

More investment in food stamps:

We had food stamps for a while. I really like food stamps. You know you cannot spend this money on anything else.

Local food production as an alternative to overpriced organic food:

People are [told], ‘If you don’t get organic it’s bad for you,’ but at the same time [normal people] cannot afford it.

Child care: Efuru Lynch

Child-care subsidies for the working poor:

I called a lot of [child-care centers] and the first question they ask you was, ‘Are you on CalWorks [the state welfare-to-work program, which comes with child-care subsidies]?’ I’m like, ‘No, I work.’

A car that works:

When I had a car I would drive [to work]. I like to drive because I get home quicker, but if not, I’m usually on public transportation. I had issues with my car. It’s been at the shop for a month and a half because I didn’t have money.

Health care: Ian Hughes

Paid sick days and a higher minimum wage:

The biggest [help] would be paid sick days and better pay — a raise in the minimum wage to maybe $12 an hour. Right now I don’t have any paid days off.

Where to go from here?

We want to hear from you: What do you think would be most helpful to people living in between poverty and the middle class? Consider not only institutional programs and policies, but also budgeting strategies, community and family support, etc.

Share your experiences with us — via the form below, via email ( or by posting in the Al Jazeera America Poverty Community on Facebook.

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